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Ways to Boost Conversion With Your Online Shop

Your WooCommerce website receives traffic, but you don’t get any sales? Here are a few different ways to boost conversion through your online shop. Let’s discuss.

Traffic is the first part of the success equation for online shops. To skyrocket your eCommerce business, you need proper conversion strategies. In fact, without the correct tactics in place, you could be missing out on a ton of sales! So let’s discuss a few different ways with which you can boost the conversion rate through your online shop, right now!

1. Make the Pricing Obvious and Compelling

Having evident and compelling pricing is one of the most effective ways to improve the conversion rate on your site. The pricing of your products should be clear from a design point of view so that it attracts the users’ attention. Also, your prices need to be competitive within your industry. It seems obvious, but consumers want to save money where they can.

Once your pricing is visible, you need to work on making it compelling. To do this, you should incorporate some age-old tactics within your online shop marketing strategy. This can include some enticing one-time offers and discounts that provoke and intrigue your audience.

When doing so, keep the regular price of your product visible so your audience gets a sense of the discount they will be receiving. Don’t be afraid to use some ‘Discount’ symbols in a striking colour, so they stand out, but be sure to remain professional, overdoing this can look tacky and cheap.

A quick tip, if you want to remain professional and minimalistic, include the sale and discount signs in red in your newsletter, while using the regular strikethrough pricing and other promotional material for the discounts on your main website.

2. Implement Low Stock and High Demand Indicators

The use of some fundamental psychological truths about how people act online can have a positive impact on your conversion rate. When people know that a particular item is about to go out of stock, they experience a sense of urgency and are more likely to decide to buy.

On the flip side, if they are also aware that a specific item is high in demand, their basic community acceptance emotions will help them choose whether to buy a particular product or not.

Maintain a sense common marketing courtesy when using such indicators. When placing a sign of high demand, there is potential for the product to see a boost in its sales slightly. But if you have a review system in which not many people are leaving reviews, your customers might suspect that you’ve tinkered with the indicator, resulting in loss of brand recognition and trust.

When using a low stock indicator, ensure that it isn’t placed on products that are commonly sold in bulk formats. Conversion rates might increase when customers want to get their hands on singled-out items, however, if they prefer buying the product in bulk and your low stock indicator shows that there isn’t enough quantity for them to buy, they will take their business elsewhere.

3. Make your Shipping Costs Visible and Fair

For some people, shipping costs will deter them from finalizing a purchase, especially if the product is coming from abroad. Ensure that the costs associated with specific product categories are easily accessible and transparent. As well as that, if you can offer free shipping for particular regions. Make sure that it is shown clearly, every penny counts in the modern market, and who doesn’t enjoy free shipping?

A useful method is to offer free shipping once a specified spend amount has been reached. Using a variety of algorithms you can specify this amount to the point that it will not cause any problems to your overall profit while in turn increasing brand loyalty. For example, if you offer three similar products priced at $37.50, $45 and $50. To push the product that costs $50, put the free shipping limit at around $47.50+. You can offer free shipping on specific products that don’t sell as well, as an additional incentive to bolster sales.

4. Consider Emphasis on Your Branding and Customer Experience

For your eShop to be successful, you have to stand out from your competition. Make sure that you offer unique product descriptions and that your branding shines true. Build trust with the customers. And don’t forget about enhancing their experience on your website. Do you provide enough payment options? Is there easy to reach customer support, such as via a chat or an email? These are all features that will help you increase your conversion rate in the long run.

If you are not sure about the customer experience, don’t be afraid to look into outside help. Test shoppers can provide you with extensive insights on how you can improve your e-commerce business and conversion consultancy firms, such as ours, can give you professional help at little to no cost and for an eventual colossal ROI. Check our full list of services right here.

Do you want to bolster your Email Marketing sales as well? Click here to read our tips on improving your Email Marketing methods.

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