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Which Email Marketing Tools are Right for You?

Email marketing is an extremely powerful strategy when appropriately implemented. But which email Marketing Tools are Right for You? Let’s Discuss!

It’s not a surprise to any experienced digital entrepreneur that email marketing is one of the most potent tools of a web business. Whether you focus on selling products or services, just want to promote a specific event or anything in between, the best way to do so is via email.

But how should you go about your email marketing strategy and which tools should you be using? To help you out, we’ve gathered some of the most popular tools, explaining how and why to decide on which tool to use along the way.

The 5 Factors to Consider When Choosing an Email Marketing Tools

There are four main essential factors to consider when choosing an email marketing tool.

Automation – The first and most important reason why anyone uses email marketing tools is the complete automation of the process. You don’t want to manually gather up the emails and send your newsletter one email at a time.

Analytics – But for a web service to be useful for your marketing needs it also has to provide you with as much analytics as possible. By having access to the hard numbers, you will receive insights on how to adapt your email marketing strategy for better conversion.

Ease of Use – Another factor that should come into play in the decision-making process is the ease of use. Today, almost every web service or app caters towards a seamless integration of intuitive user interface design. Ensure the time it takes to understand the tool is worth integrating it into your business.

Compatibility – Often overlooked, compatibility should be on top of your list. When choosing an email marketing tool, especially if you have a secure website. The device you use should be compatible with your existing web business setup and the services you use.

Affordability (Price) – Last, but not least, the price is also on the list of things to take into account when making your choice. Regardless of the size of your business, being able to appropriately allocate your finances based on the services and features you receive is something that will help you to succeed along the way.

The Most Popular Email Marketing Tools


Price: Free, $10 per month, $199 per Month


One of the first email marketing tools you will come across is MailChimp. The reason behind the popularity of the web service is its relative affordability and ease of setup. While boasting numerous features that will help you with more important email campaigns, the tool is often considered to be primarily for use on smaller side projects or for freelancers, as well as short marketing campaigns.


Price: $19 per month, to $149+ per month, based on Subscribers


Another favourite tool for email marketing that hits the sweet spot between an affordable price and powerful features is AWeber. Often perfect for marketers that are on a budget, the tool is quite intuitive and easy to use. Plus, it has almost everything you’d need for more advanced email marketing campaigns, including RSS-to-email, third-party integrations and compatibility and more.


Price: From $15 per month to $165+ per month, based on Subscribers (Special $1199 per month for Businesses that seek a High-Performance Solution)


GetResponse might not be as popular as MailChimp, but it might be the right choice for small businesses and for marketers who are just starting out. Slightly less expensive than AWeber, the tool is straightforward to use and intuitive and boasts powerful features. One of the best things about GetResponse is its existing library of easy-to-customise and conversion friendly templates (more than 500). Besides, their API allows for further customizability, including off-the-shelf compatibility of PayPal, Shopify and more.


Price: $9 to $17 per month for lite version under 1000 subscribers, to $149+, $415+, and enterprise solutions


If you want to have better control over your email marketing automation, then ActiveCampaign might be the right choice for you. Relatively affordable, the tool is an all-in-one option that includes a ton of automation for your marketing campaigns, including CRM and email marketing. One of the best features of this tool is its conditional content emails. This tool helps you further personalise your email campaign by implementing the information you’ve gathered for your leads and subscribers throughout your campaign.


Price: Based on Subscribers count, from $20-45 per month to $335+ per month.


Another favourite email marketing tool is ConstantContact. Perfect for those who are just starting out. It has some powerful marketing features, which should be evident at that pricing.

Don’t forget to comb through every detail and make sure to check out the trial version before starting your campaign. Migrating your email subscriber lists might be a challenging thing to do.

We wish you luck in choosing the right email marketing tool.

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